New Request

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Open or, enter the token's name or ticker, and copy the link found in the "Explorers" field (Etherscan or Bscscan).
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Open or, enter the token's name or ticker and copy the link found in the "Website" field.
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Open or and enter the token’s name or symbol in the search line. You can also google the following combination "project name + ICO". You have to enter the token sale price into the field.
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Open the project's website and find the page or section describing its team members. If you think they are real individuals, then choose "Yes".
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Open and select the blockchain in question in the "Browser" menu. Then select the "Tokens" tab instead of "Pairs" and insert the token’s contract address into the search line. Select the token in question. Then go down to the block listing the token’s trading pairs. In case the pair with the biggest liquidity is locked, then choose "Yes".

Otherwise, it’s possible that you’ll find the link to the timelock smart contract or you can also put the question in the token’s community chat and mention community manager or send directly to him the following message: "Hello! I am the Hacken Scout community member. Our project is developing the biggest database containing detailed information regarding the security of cryptoprojects that will be used by CER live, our resource that is the partner of Coingecko. Now I am collecting data about %name of the project% and I have a question: Are your LP tokens locked?". If tokens are not locked, then choose "No".
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Insert the link by following which one can see the evidence that liquidity pools are locked. For example, it may be the last page of your research related to the previous question.
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Open Coinmarketcap and enter the token’s name into the search line. Choose the token in question. You can find info about the audit in the "Audit" field.

In case you have not found any info about the audit here, then go to Etherscan\Bscscan and enter the token's contract address into the search line. On the address page select the tab "Contract" and click on "Security Audit".

Otherwise, you may try to find news on audit in Medium or Google (project name + "audit"). You can also join the token’s community chat and put the question in chat with mention of the community manager or send directly to him the following message: "Hello! I am the Hacken Scout community member. Our project is developing the biggest database containing detailed information regarding the security of cryptoprojects that will be used by CER live, our resource that is the partner of Coingecko. Now I am collecting data about %name of the project% and I have a question: Does the project have an audit?". In case you have not found any info about the audit using these 3 methods, then choose "No".
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Insert the link to the token’s audit. In case there are a few links, insert all of them (separate with commas).
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In case it's the utility token of any platform, for example, DEX or Farming service, then you need to find info about the audit of the platform. To this end, you need to search for mentions on the audit on the project’s Medium or join the project’s community chat and put this question to the community manager in the chat or send directly to him the following message: "Hello! I am the Hacken Scout community member. Our project is developing the biggest database containing detailed information regarding the security of cryptoprojects that will be used by CER live, our resource that is the partner of Coingecko. Now I am collecting data about %name of the project% and I have a question. Does the project have a platform security audit?". In case there are a few links, insert all of them (separate with commas). In case there is no audit info, then leave the field empty.
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The company that has performed the audit. In case there are a few auditors, enter all of them (separate with commas).
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Go to Github of the project and find the smart contract file of the token. Usually, it is in the folder "Contracts" and the name has the word "Token".
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Open Etherscan and insert the token’s contract address into the search line. On the address page choose the tab “Contract”. Copy the URL from the address line and insert it into the field. In most cases, this link has the following look: “Etherscan address link + “#code”. For example:
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Open Bscscan and insert the token’s contract address into the search line. On the address page choose the tab “Contract”. Copy the URL from the address line and insert it into this field. In most cases, this link has the following look: “Bscscan address link” + “#code”. For example:
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In case there is a green checkmark on the token’s page on Etherscan\Bscscan – then choose "Yes", otherwise – choose "No".
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If the contract source code is published on the tab "Contract" on Etherscan/Bscscan – then choose "Yes", otherwise – choose "No".
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Open the token's audit file and check whether it contains the link to the contract address on Etherscan\Bscscan – in case there is a link, choose "Yes".

In case the audit contains the link to Github - copy the commit code and then follow the link. Insert commit into the search field and press "Enter". Then click on "Commits" to search by commits and then click on "<>" icon. Open the audit document and find the name of the file of the audited token. Then open the tab with Github commit and find this file. Open the contact code link on Etherscan\Bscscan and check whether the token's code on Github is the same as the code published on Etherscan\Bscscan. In case there is matching between these codes - choose "Yes", otherwise - choose "No".
Bug Bounty Program
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You can find info about the bug bounty programs passed by a project on its Medium or you can join the project’s community chat and put this question to the chat admin. In case the project has passed a bug bounty program - choose "Yes", otherwise - choose "No" and leave the fields below empty.
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The name of the platform on which the project has run a bug bounty program. In case the project has passed bug bounty programs on a few platforms, enter the names of all of them (separate with commas).
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Link to the bug bounty program. In case there are a few links, enter all of them (separate with commas).